Spring Weight Limits: Temporary weight limits of 7.5 tons on ALL Town of Knowlton roads will be effective on Monday March 10th upon posting of signs.  The exception will be Old Hwy. 51, which has a 10 ton limit.  Limits will be lifted when Marathon County road limits are lifted.


Garbage & Recycling Service

Garbage and recycling service is mandatory for all homes in the town. The fee is added to your property tax bill and can change year to year, but is currently about $140 annually.

Recycling is required by law in Wisconsin and keep in mind that part of the annual fee is based on tonnage of garbage sent to the landfill.

Garbage Service is every Thursday, Recycling is every other Thursday. Except when a major holiday falls during the week, then pickup will be Friday that week.

For a missed pickup, damaged cart replacement, or large item pickup please call Harter’s at 1-888-804-8556. Please be sure to mention you are a Town of Knowlton resident.

If your newly built home is ready to start garbage service please contact the Town Clerk at 715-693-9512 or [email protected].