Spring Weight Limits: Temporary weight limits of 7.5 tons on ALL Town of Knowlton roads will be effective on Monday March 10th upon posting of signs.  The exception will be Old Hwy. 51, which has a 10 ton limit.  Limits will be lifted when Marathon County road limits are lifted.


Mailbox Policy

Snowplow operators use a great deal of care when plowing our Town roads under sometimes very difficult conditions. However, accidents can happen and mailboxes may be damaged.

The Town must be notified within 72 hours of the damage incident. The Town of Knowlton or its designee will conduct an investigation of the alleged damage.

Mailboxes/posts tipped, damaged or knocked down by the mere weight of the snow will not be repaired or replaced by the Town of Knowlton.

If the damage to the mailbox/post is a result of being struck by a plow, the Town will deliver a standard mailbox and/or 4 X 4 post within 72 hours of determination.

Since the trucks cannot plow directly up to the edge of a mailbox, residents may need to do clearing to help mail delivery. Newspaper boxes will not be repaired, replaced or reinstalled by the Town.